Bajo demanda
Advances in technology, pioneering new practices in nocturnal hypertension assessment in patients at risk
Altavoces: Prof. Dr. G. Parati, Prof. Dr. Med. B. Sanner, Prof. Dr. F. Cappuccio, Prof. Dr. D. Schoors
April 16th, 2021
17:00 - 18:00
Nocturnal Hypertension 1 in 4 people with normal blood pressure readings in the morning has nocturnal hypertension.¹ Patients at risk for nocturnal hypertension include those with: sleep apnea, stress autonomic dystonia, heart failure, treatment-resistant hypertension, kidney failure, diabetes².
View OMRON Healthcare mini-symposium to learn more about the importance of identifying nocturnal hypertension and its consequences for patients at risk.
Learning Objectives
- Importance of nocturnal hypertension
- Most common underlying conditions
- Consequences of nocturnal hypertension in practice
¹ Kario K, et al. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2015;17(5):340-348. ² Stergiou GS, et al. Home Blood Pressure Monitoring. Springer International Publishing; 2019.
Introduction to nocturnal hypertension
Prof. Dr. G. Parati
New approach to nocturnal hypertension assessment
Prof. Dr. B. Sanner
Patient populations at risk for cardiac events related to nocturnal hypertension
Prof. Dr. F.P. Cappuccio
Nocturnal BP Measurement
Prof. Dr. D. Schoors